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Sunday, November 25, 2018

An Unfair Attack

Cindy Hyde Smith is the GOP candidate in Tuesday's senate election in Mississippi.  She is also the target of a vicious smear campaign by Democrats and the media who are trying to paint her as a racist.  After the first election on November 6, no candidate got 50% of the vote so Hyde Smith is in a runoff with the Democrat Mike Espy.  At a rally shortly thereafter, Hyde Smith was praising a person for whom she had high regard.  She said that she thought so much of him that if he asked her to attend a public hanging, she would be in the front row.  That was it.  She (gasp) mentioned a public hanging in Mississippi. To the media and the crazies in the Democrat party (much the same thing) that could only mean that Hyde Smith was endorsing lynching of blacks by the KKK.  That's ridiculous, of course.  It's roughly the same thing as if she had said that she would drive to meet the person and the media called that an endorsement of the Nazi who used his car to run down a counter protester last year in Charlottesville.  It's sort of like calling vanilla ice cream racist because it is all white.

The smear, however, didn't stop with this nonsense.  Various people around the country who contributed to Hyde Smith's campaign have been attacked.  According to the media, people are "outraged" by the contributions.  Again, that's nonsense.  Americans have the absolute right to contribute to political campaigns.  Cindy Hyde Smith is not a racist, and portraying her as one is disgusting and unfair.

Cindy Hyde Smith is going to win the election on Tuesday.  Bogus charges in the national media against a Mississippi candidate does not win many votes in that state.  My prediction is that she wins by at least 10%.  The media and the Democrats, however, need to keep in mind that they are doing real damage to our country with this phony charges.

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