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Friday, November 16, 2018

No Matter What, Stacy Abrams Is Setting a New Low For A Political Candidate

Stacy Abrams was the Democrat candidate for governor of Georgia this year.  She lost.  As contested elections go, it wasn't even that close.  She ran about 3% behind the GOP candidate Kemp.  But Abrams isn't conceding and according to reports she is preparing for a legal challenge to the results once they are certified.  Abrams will claim that there were voters who left long lines at polling places where delays were experienced, voters who weren't offered provisional ballots by poll workers when they showed at the wrong polling place and the like.  Supposedly, this is sufficient legally to cast doubt on the outcome and to require a new election.

Think about that.  Have you ever stood in line for a long time to vote?  I have.  You just have to wait if you want to vote.  If voters decided to leave instead, that's hardly voter suppression.  And what about provisional ballots being offered?  I don't pretend to know Georgia law, but if a voter shows at the wrong place, why should he or she get to vote that way.  Wouldn't the logical remedy be for the voter to go to the correct polling place and vote?

This sounds like the lamest challenge to an election ever.  Of course, Abrams is a Democrat so maybe she can find a judge to rule her way.  If so, it will be a disgrace.  Elections should be decided by votes not by judges.  Abrams needs to give up and go home.

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