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Thursday, November 29, 2018

It's a Big Day For Hatred and Bigotry From the Left

Leftist bigotry and hatred has really made a lot of news today.  While most of the leftist media has been focused on the new guilty plea by Michael Cohen (which is really not very important), other things have happened which will have much greater impact.

1.  CNN was forced to fire Marc Lamont Hill.  For those who don't know Hill, he is a far left college professor who has appeared for many years on Fox News and then on CNN (after Fox dumped him) to spout the leftist talking point of the day.  He also just spoke at the UN at a meeting where he called for the destruction of Israel.  Let's be clear, he didn't just say that he wants a two state solution or even a democratic state that holds both Jews and Palestinians.  Nope, he used the Palestinian hate rhetoric that calls for a Palestinian state free of all Jews.  Apparently, Hill's hateful statement was too much even for CNN.  He is now history.

2.  Laura Loomer chained herself to the doors of Twitter's offices in New York.  Loomer who is a "conservative warrior" was recently banned from Twitter because she sent out a tweet calling newly elected congressman Ilhan Omar of Minnesota "pro-sharia law"  (which is accurate).  Loomer's tweet also then pointed out that Sharia called for death for LGBT individuals, subjugation of women among other things.  This was too much "hate speech" for Twitter.  Loomer, however, pointed out that tweets from Louis Farrakhan that clearly were anti-Semitic hate speech were ignored by Twitter.  As a result, Loomer raised the double standard used by the leftists who run Twitter.  In a rather funny twist, Loomer's action made her name the number 1 trending topic on Twitter today.


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