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Sunday, November 4, 2018

And Now For The Bizarre and Amazing!

The Chicago Sun Times is running a column from someone named Laura Washington which proclaims that the best chance the Democrats have of beating Donald Trump in 2020 is.......wait for it.......Hillary Clinton.  No, really, that's what it says. 

Now I don't know who Laura Washington is or what her background is, but I assume she is a regular columnist for the paper.  She does tell us a great deal about herself when she starts by pointing out that Hillary actually won in 2016 -- at least in the popular vote.  Even two years later, she's still there bemoaning the Electoral College, the very concept that in 2016 was touted by people like her as the reason why Trump could never win.

It amazes me that anyone could actually be promoting another run by Hillary Clinton.  Here's a woman who managed to be reviled by a majority of Americans, even including many who voted for her.  She's described by about two thirds of Americans as a liar who cannot be trusted.  She escaped indictment by the slimmest of threads.  Oh, and she has no accomplishments of her own; she owes her position to her husband's success.  And let's not forget that we all know now that she worked with the DNC last time to rig the system to guarantee she would beat Bernie Sanders.

The truth is that this column is an indication of just how empty the Democrats' ranks are of credible presidential candidates.  I've played the game a few times of trying to come up with a viable candidate for them.  Each one seems to have a fatal flaw.  There are some like Elizabeth Warren who managed to -- in just one move -- make herself a laughing stock.  She released a DNA analysis that says she has less than half the amount of possible Native American ancestry compared to the average white European American, and she cites this as proof that she really is part Cherokee.  There are others like senator Booker from New Jersey who postures and postures but just looks foolish.  Again, here's a guy who had his "I am Spartacus" moment by supposedly flaunting Senate rules and risking expulsion from the Senate but only after he first knew that he wasn't really taking that chance.  He's the ultimate phony.  And how about mayor Bloomberg?  He has money.  But he's almost as old as Joe Biden and has the charisma of a cantaloupe (and not even a ripe one at that.)  What would his campaign slogan be?  "Time to bring grandpa back?"  And, of course, there's Biden.  His slogan:  "Time to bring great-grandpa back!"

Who knows?  Maybe Laura Washington is correct.  Maybe Hillary is the best chance the Democrats have of beating Trump in 2020.  If so, that's just another way of saying that Trump will be in office until 2025.

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