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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Jeff Sessions Goes

Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigned today at the request of the President.  I can't say that this is a surprise.  Indeed, the only surprise is that Sessions lasted this long.  Clearly, the President waited until after the election to make the change.

The real key here is that with a new acting attorney general appointed by Trump, Rod Rosenstein is no longer in charge of overseeing the Mueller investigation.  Rosenstein only had that position because Sessions had recused himself, something that no longer matters.

The (acting) Attorney General has the ability to shape the Mueller probe by limiting the subjects to be investigated.  For example, Rosenstein could well have told Mueller to stay away from Stormy Daniels or some other investigative avenue that had nothing to do with Russia and the election.  We don't know if Rosenstein did this, although it appears that Rosenstein did nothing to interfere with Mueller in any way.  A new acting Attorney General may not be so circumspect when it comes to the Special Counsel.

Sessions' departure will be spun by many as an attack on Mueller.  It is not.  Rather, it is Trump getting an AG who he supports.

And who will the new AG be?  If I had to guess, I would pick Chris Christie (so long as he doesn't feel he would have to recuse himself.)  There's no clear front runner, but Christie wouldn't have any problem asserting himself, something that's needed at the Justice Department.

1 comment:

Norman Ivins said...

Our hope for eradicating pot just went up in smoke.