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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Climate Change in California

For as long as I can remember, there have been periodic wild fires in California and other parts of the West.  Decades ago, however, there weren't as many people living in California, so there were many fewer homes to burn and more acres of open land.  This year we've seen some of the worst fires ever in the Golden State.  It seemed an inevitable moment as the fire this year started in bad places.  Despite this, we're now getting a drumbeat of statements from Progressives in California blaming global warming for this year's fires.

It's a strange thing that happens every time there is a weather related event; it is always blamed on global warming.  Back in 2000, we were told that sea levels would rise as ice melted around the world due to rising temperatures.  This year we have scientific proof that the amount of ice is increasing in a major way in Antarctica and Greenland, the two major repositories of ice on earth.  The response has been that the ice buildup is a result of global warming.  In 2000, we were told that global warming would bring many more major storms across the planet.  Then we went for the longest stretch ever without a major hurricane hitting the USA.  We were then told that the lack of hurricanes was due to global warming.  Then we had last year when, not surprisingly, there were more major hurricanes than usual.  The consensus was that it was due to global warming.  This year saw the normal level of storms; it was global warming at work once again.  In 2000, we were told that after ten years it would be too late to stop global warming.  This year we are being told that after ten years it will be too late to stop global warming.  The only conclusion is that no matter what happens, it is due to global warming.

I'm waiting for the first article that says that the election of Donald Trump was due to global warming.  It's the only thing the left hasn't yet blamed for the President.

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