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Thursday, November 22, 2018

Hard Times Hit A Charity

Guess which "charity" has seen over a 90% drop in contributions over the last three years.  Anyone paying attention to American politics would know the answer immediately.  Between 2015 and 2017 contributions to the Clinton Foundation have fallen by more than 90% according to the latest reports.  I use 2015 because that was the last full year during which people could believe that Hillary Clinton would be in the White House.  The other year 2017 is the first full year when everyone knew that Hillary would never be president.

Is there really anyone surprised that the ability of the Clintons to raise cash for their so called foundation collapsed with Hillary's political prospects?  It's always seemed clear that the Clinton Foundation was just a nice way for Bill and Hillary to raise tons of money from friends who even get to deduct their gifts on their tax returns.  Bill and Hillary got to use the cash as their own personal slush fund and all they really sold was access to the White House once Hillary won in 2016.  But, of course, Hillary lost.


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