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Friday, November 2, 2018

Explain This

Here's a chart that was released today by NBC.

It shows the partisan breakdown of early voters in states where that is ascertainable.  There are only some states where voters register by party.  There are also some states which do not have early voting.  This means that this is only a partial picture of the national electorate.  Nevertheless, as of the end of the day on October 31, the Republicans are ahead of the Democrats in getting their base out.

Four years ago, the Republicans had done even a bit better than this year in getting their voters out, and that election was a Republican landslide.  In 2016, at this point in early voting, the Democrats were ahead, and they still lost the race.

Put all this together, and someone will have to explain how the predictions of a blue wave or even of the Democrats taking the House make sense.  The Democrats are just not turning out in significantly higher numbers than the Republicans.  They do not seem super motivated.

Can it be that all the hype in the media is just that:  hype?

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