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Monday, November 12, 2018

The News No One Covers

Last night, there was a barrage of 300 missiles fired from Gaza by the Palestinians at Israel.  About 80 of these missiles were shot down by the Israeli Iron Dome system, but a few got through and hit targets.  One hit a bus and critically wounded the driver.  Others hit homes and businesses.  The Israeli Air Force in turn hit about 50 Hamas targets in response to the missiles.  At the moment, the Israelis and Hamas are as close to all out war as they have been since their lengthy battle in 2014.  It's a very dangerous moment in the Middle East, and the impact of such a battle could seriously affect the USA not only because Israel is our ally, but because renewed fighting between Israel and Hamas could endanger the anti-Iranian coalition in the region.  As of now, Israel and most of the non-Palestinian Sunni Arab nations are working together in that coalition. 

The strange thing, however, is that the mainstream media has hardly covered this story.  I don't mean that the story has been relegated to the back pages -- so to speak -- of the web sites.  I mean that the story is not even mentioned by some news organizations like NBC News.  I checked that NBC site carefully.  They were promoting a story reporting on if "white nationalists" consider the President to be a racist.  Seriously, there are probably only a few thousand actual white nationalists in the USA, but NBC is reporting on their views of the President as if those views mattered.

I realize that NBC considers it part of the network's mission to spend as much time as possible attacking President Trump.  So what.  When did it also become NBC's mission to ignore important international news?

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