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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Time For A Move

I haven't written for a few days.  My wife and I were in Pennsylvania closing on the new home that we purchased.  We're leaving Connecticut.  Part of the reason was a personal.  There's no need to go into those reasons.  There was also the desire on my part to get away from the endless myopic leftism of Connecticut.  If there's a problem, the CT government says let's start a program and spend money on it.  It really doesn't matter if the program helps solve the problem or not; the goal is the new program and the new spending, not the solution of the problem.  After a batch of new spending is put in place, the legislature raises taxes like clockwork.  Established spending programs are never streamlined or even reviewed in any meaningful way.  All spending is sacred in CT.  Slowly at first, but now quite rapidly, the high taxes and poor services despite endless spending have pushed people from the state.  Many move to Florida where the cost of living is much lower and the taxes are only a tiny fraction of those in CT.  We're going to PA.  The income tax in that state is nearly 4% lower than the rates in CT.  On top of that, the cost of living is less.  Just think what you could do with an extra 4% income each year, every year.

The departures from CT continue to accelerate.  It is now one of the top states for LOSING population through outmigration.  I like it here, but not enough to keep me here at great cost.

On a different note, once I move, I think I need to change the title of this blog.  Somehow, Connecticut Comments doesn't work if I live in PA.  It was suggested that I use Keystone Comments since PA is the Keystone State, but that seems hokey to me.  If you have any suggestions, I would be pleased to consider them.

1 comment:

Daniella St Peters said...

Dear Jeff,
I am sorry to hear that you are leaving Connecticut. It has been a comfort to know that there has been at least one voice of rational (Conservative) thought living in Connecticut.
One must agree with you that Connecticut politicians have created a
perilous condition here, and getting only worse. Paraphrasing Einstein:
Someone who creates a problem cannot resolve it. It is also heartbreaking to see what has happened to our cities, becoming dens of criminality and unsafe for anyone. The only solution for the individual is to leave.
I don’t think any of your followers will be too concerned about the title
of your site. I like the current title, but your new neighbors might not.
For something glitzy and mildly hokey, how about something like There’s no rush. Let your wife decide.
Best wishes to you and your family in your new location,