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Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's the whole party

Earlier today I wrote about the race baiting conduct of the Democrats. I just now saw the video of the speech before Congress by Felipe Calderon, president of Mexico. Calderon announced that he strongly disagreed with the Arizona law since it involved racial discrimination and racial profiling. This statement is completely inaccurate. Actually, why understate it; Calderon's statement is a blatant lie. Everyone in the Congress knows this by now. Nevertheless, the entire group of Democrats jumped to their feet and gave Calderon an ovation for his race baiting remarks. It is as if the world has gone mad. Imagine watching the blank smile of Nancy Pelosi as she applauds the condemnation of the racist Arizona law even though she knows that the law is not racist and that her true purpose is to incite racial hatred in order for the Democrats to get more votes! How can the USA have come to this? Are there no patriots in the Democratic party prepared to put the good of the country ahead of their own personal power? Can it be that they are prepared to elevate a lie to such a high position only to inject hatred and distruct throughout the nation?

Come November, the Democrats have to go. We cannot go back into the dark days of racial hatred. In the 1960's it was Democrats who fought against the civil rights laws. Democrats like George Wallace, Lester Maddox and Orval Faubus were prime purveyors of racial discord. Now we have Obama, Pelosi and Reid who push phony racial problems in order to divide the people and gain support for their party. It stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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