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Sunday, May 16, 2010

The message is getting through

Earlier today I wrote about the bogus and race-baiting attack on the Arizona immigration law as racist and unconstitutional. The Obamacrats are doing all they can to stir up racial animosity o the subject to try to get their voters to the polls in November. It seems, however, that the attempt is failing. This morning Rasmussen released a poll of votes in Pennsylvania who favor adoption by their state of an immigration enforcement law like that in Arizona by a margin of 58% to 32%. for a blue state like Pennsylvania, this is a tidal wave of support. It means that the Obamacrat attempt to stir up race hatred is failing. It also means that the people are able to see through nonsense like Holder's statements about a law which he admits he has not even read. Imagine, a 10 page law he did not read! this poll bodes well for racial calm in the USA. Hopefully, the word will continue to spread and Obama and the Obamcrats will cease their hypocritical and false attacks which so damage the fabric of our society.

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