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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Kim the Konqueror

Word is out today that the attack on the South Korean navy ship by the NOrth Koreans was almost certainly approved in advance by North Korean "fearless leader" Kim (no not Kardashian). Speculation is that Kim is trying to cement his position of strength after his stroke a few years back so that he can be sure to name his son as his successor. How medieval! In the 13th century, Kim would simply claim the divine right to name his successor, but that is a hard argument to make in a communist atheistic society.

This news of high government authorization, while not surprising, presents yet another conundrum for the policy makers in Washington who need to decide how to deal with this crisis. If there is no response to the NK's, they will be emboldened. we will hear more of the old USA is a paper tiget meme. On the other hand with a nut job like Kim, there is no telling how he will react to any counteractions.

The likely response from Obama and the Obamacrats is to do nothing but to say a lot. That would fit right in with their belief that what gets said is more important than what gets done. After all, they probably think that a speech by Obama castigating the NK's will lower Kim's favorables in the next gallup poll in North Korea.

In the world of nondelusional grownups, however, talk alone is not enough. something concrete is required. Best of all worlds would be an action combined with Chinese support. China is North Korea's only ally and friend. chine hsa the power to bring the entire country to its knees simply by cutting off trade. Such a move by China is highly doubtful. China does not want NK refugees crossing its border. Nor does it want to have US troops on the Chinese border (which there probably would be if NK we to fold and the two Koreas reunited as a democracy. China also knows taht the Obamacrats will never be serious if they threaten harsh action against the NK's. So, the most likely chinese course is to tell the US in private that they just cannot do anything.

On the other hand, if the Chinese thought that the US had leadership that might actually take some unilateral steps to rein in the NK's, the Chinese might be more likely to act. They would try to temper US anger and this could lead to real curbs on North Korea. There is a price to be paid for having a president who talks the talk but never walks the walk.

One wonders what would happen were a North Korean ship to suddenly be sunk somewhere in the Pacific? Would Kim connect the dots? Sure! Would the NK's strike back? Yes, for sure, if they felt there would be no further consequences. But suppose that the NK's got the word that any action taken against the South would result in a five fold response? Would Fearless Leader step back and slow down? Would he release Boris and Natasha to carry out sabotage? Could Moose and Squirrel stop them? Tune in next time to see what happens.

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