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Friday, May 21, 2010

Time names fool of the year

Time Magazine pundit Joe Klein has an amazing piece out on the triumph of diplomacy in connection with Iran. After reading the article, I started wondering if Klein could actually believe what he says. According to Klein, it is a good development that Turkey and Brazil cooperated with Iran in reaching an agreement whereby Iran send some enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for uranium for medical use. The agreement also does nothing to stop Iran from continuing to enrich the main part of its uranium up to weapons grade. The only purpose of the agreement is to muddy the waters, buy Iran time and stop any meaningful sanctions from being adopted. Klein seems to miss this. I guess since the deal is titled "agreement", Klein thinks it must be good.

Klein also crows about how Russia and China are signing on to the US led effort for sanctions on Iran. Hooray!!!!! Just imagine! Russia and China are now agreeing to vote for sanctions without bite. These "sanctions" will not hurt Iran nor stop it from continuing down the road to becoming a nuclear power. Indeed, these so-called sanctions will only provide the Obama administration with the untrue appearance that it has accomplished something.

When will fools like Klein realize the truth? Only after the first nuke explodes in an Iranian test range? Maybe it will have to wait until the first Iranian bomb smuggled in by the terrorists explodes in the US or Israel. Of course, it will then be too late.

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