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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Remember the Geneva convention

Frequently we hear cries of "War Crimes!" leveled at US or Israeli forces from the left or from the jihadists in the Islamic world. Indeed, each time a woman or child dies (or even an unarmed man) it is described as a violation of the Geneva convention. To make matters worse, if there are no such casualties, the terrorists and their supporters have no problem making up stories about supposed atrocities to feed to the cooperating world press.

Now, however, Al Qaeda has released a video that should be seen and discussed by everyone who hears one of these atrocity stories. According to cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki, under Islamic law (at least as he sees it), anyone who is a combatant is a proper target in a war. He then goes on to state that every American is a combatant because we all selected the government that is carrying out the war. Thus, killing any American, even a woman or child, is proper and required for a true Jihadist.

OK, so let's carry this argument to its logical end. If every American is a proper target since we have an elected government, then every person who gives aid or comfort to the enemy is a proper target for the US. People in towns occupied by the Taliban (who supply the Taliban with food or weapons) are proper targets under the reasoning of the Jihadists themselves. People in Gaza or the West Bank are proper targets since they selected Hamas in the last election. anyone want to bet if we ever hear the left admit this?

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