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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Good thing it wasn't the George Washington Bridge

President Obama stood in front of a bridge between Kentucky and Ohio today and castigated House Speaker John Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell for preventing repairs to that structurally deficient bridge. It was interesting as a photo op for the campaign. The only trouble is that the whole thing was a lie, A BIG LIE. First of all, there is nothing wrong with the bridge except that traffic has increased to the point that more capacity is needed. There is no need to repair that bridge, so there is no way that Boehner or McConnell have prevented the repairs. Second, there already is a plan to build a second bridge alongside the existing on to take more traffic over the Ohio River. The new bridge is in the design phase. It has been in that phase for a few years now. The federally required environmental impact statement was filed and there was a lawsuit about it. Various federal agencies have been considering whether or not to approve the currently planned configuration for the new bridge. In other words, it is the federal bureaucracy that have prevented construction of the bridge so far. There is even money set aside in the federal budget to pay for the new bridge, although that will probably have to be raised by the time that the bureaucrats finally allow construction to proceed. So when Obama says that there is a structural problem with the bridge, he is lying. When Obama says that congress and the Republicans have held up repair work, he is lying. Indeed, nothing that Obama said about the bridge is accurate.

Can it be that Obama is so out to lunch that he is unaware of the falsity of his statements? I doubt it. I truly believe that he does not care whether or not the statements are true. No, Obama believes that if he says something, it becomes the truth. It is a delusion, and we have seen it over and over again during his presidency. How many times did we hear him tell us that if we liked our present insurance or doctor we could keep them under Obamacare only to find out now that approximately 70 million people will lose their present insurance due to Obamacare?

I guess it is a good thing that Obama wasn't standing in front of the George Washington Bridge. Washington who couldn't tell a lie would have turned over in his grave.

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