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Monday, September 26, 2011

The GOP needs to slow down and focus

President Obama has been a disaster for America. It is the only logical conclusion that one can draw. He took economic problems and made them worse. His plan for promoting recovery failed miserably. He ran up enormous debt and got nothing in exchange for it. It is like mortgaging your home to pay for dinner for a week. The dinners may be good during that short time span, but you then have to pay for it over the next 30 years. His push for increased taxes and regulation have frozen businesses into inaction with the result that unemployment keeps getting higher. Even his big accomplishment, Obamacare, is so unpopular and so likely to cause major problems that it was set up by the Democrats to take effect only after the 2012 election when it cannot change perceptions of Obama's time in office in a meaningful way. Obama has managed to reduce domestic energy production in major ways despite preaching the need for energy indepedence. Obama has gone out of his way to help his unioin buddies even when that help has the effect of pushing jobs overseas. Just think about how likely it is that Boeing will try again to build a plant in the USA after the administration went after it for building a new plant in South Carolina, a right to work state. The list goes on, but the truth is undeniable: Obama has been a disaster.

Given this fact, the Republicans need to make that point early and often. They also need to promote growth in the economy and present a coherent plan to remedy all that Obama has injured. Let me be clear -- it is not enough to discuss balancing the budget or restoring the constitution. These are admirable goals, but in the parlance of the old Clinton campaign, "It's the economy stupid!" The candidates for president need not run as if they were accountants worried about balancing the books. They have to run as people who know how to fix the economic mess that Obama has made. The simple truth is that Obama has no answer to the current economic problems. Even his new Jobs/Tax bill is nothing but more hot air.

Thr Republicans need to slow down their response to the Obama plan and focus clearly on what it can and what it cannot do. Too often the candidates act like the American people pay close attention to what is happening in Washington, something that has rarely, if ever, happened. The next debate should focus solely on the economy, the answers allowed should be three minutes long at least, and the candidates ought to be ready to actually explain their plans rather than just repeating a few talking points. The American people are not stupid. They will understand the plans of the candidates if these are properly explained. Just imagine if Obama were forced to deal with facts, with reality. Any thought of his re-election would crumble. There just are not enough people in the country who prefer bringing down the rich to having a good job and a good living themselves.

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