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Monday, September 12, 2011

Still no text of the Jobs act available

President Obama had another of his "Pass this bill" rallies this morning at the White House when he said that he had the text of the bill ready to go to Congress. Since I have been wondering when, if at all, Obama would make public the details of the bill, I went to the White House site to read the bill and see how the various descriptions of its contents compared to the actual bill. I guess it should be no surprise, but the bill is still not available from the White House. Instead, Obama has an "overview" of the bill on the website. "Overview" is another way to say that the White House has their impression of what the bill contains rather than the actual facts.

For what it is worth, there is still no mention of how the cost will be paid for. Obama talked about lumping the cost in with the savings that the super committee has to come up with, but that is a non-starter as Obama well knows. It is interesting, nevertheless, that after giving up control with regard to the terms of the stimulus and Obamacare and seeing the disasters to which that act led, Obama is still willing to give up control of how to pay for this latest stimulus bill to the super committee.

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