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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The need for rational discourse

Over the years I have watched political arguments in America, I have seen a lot of crazy views expressed. There is never a shortage of crackpots in this country, and those crackpots never seem shy about expressing their views. But over time, I have also seen that there is a vast and usually sensible majority that is looking for pragmatic solutions to problems. In other words, most of America wants solutions that work no matter what the source. That is why I find alarming the current trend among the Obama supporters to describe the stimulus of 2009 as a success, but one that was just too small. For example, on Sunday I read a piece by Zachary Roth about the success of the stimulus. Roth argues that the bill created or saved between one million and 2.9 million jobs and that is a great accomplishment.

Roth's view is a manifestation of irrational thought. Think of it this way: if Roth's numbers are correct, then the country spent 800 billion dollars to maintain between one million and 2.9 million jobs. At best, that comes to $275,000 per job. At worst, that comes to $800,000 per job. No rational person could describe this as a success. It is a total failure. Indeed, but for this massive expenditure, much of the current budget crunch in Washington would be ameliorated and there would be many more options for dealing with current economic problems.

Of course, there is also the open question as to whether or not the stimulus actually created or saved those jobs to which Roth lays claim. But the point is that even on Roth's terms, the stimulus failed.

Until the truth of the failure is understood by Obama and the Obamacrats, it will be nearly impossible for the government to adopt any plan that will have a chance of successfully reducing unemployment. The GOP will not accept pursuing a failed strategy further, and the Obamacrats will push for just that.

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