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Friday, September 16, 2011

Heartburn in Connecticut

The latest Quinnipiac poll in Connecticut finds that voters are split 48 to 48 in rating president Obama's job performance. Of all the statistics I have seen recently, this is one of the most astounding. Remember, this is Connecticut. In June, Obama's job performance ratings were higher in this state than in any other. That's right they were higher in Connecticut than in Obama's home states of Hawaii and Illinois. They were higher her than in Vermont, a state that sends a socialist independent to the senate. And now, Obama's poll numbers are about to go upside down here.

A number like this must give heartburn to every Obama staffer and politico in DC. If there is any doubt whether or not Obama would win in Connecticut in 2012, then there is no chance that the president can be re-elected. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying that Obama would lose the Nutmeg State in 2012. The same poll that found the even split in job approval for Obama also found him comfortably ahead of Romney or Perry in the general election. But a decline in job approval is the first place where a decline in voter support shows up in polling. It is a very good sign.

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