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Friday, February 3, 2012

Indiana becomes a right to work state

It took a long fight, but the state of Indiana has now become a right to work state. Contrary to all the nonsense spewed by the talking heads on certain cable news outlets (like MSNBC and CNN), this just means that workers in Indiana can no longer be forced to join a union as a condition of employment. Each employee is still free to join a union; he or she now has the choice not to do so as well.

The big labor unions put up quite a fight to prevent workers from having this choice in Indiana. The Democrats in the legislature did a disappearing act for weeks to prevent there from being a quorum, but after the people made clear that they wanted the change in the law, even the Democrats backed off and returned to work.

For the last 50 years, the states with the highest economic growth rates have all been right to work states. It seems that the folks in Indiana now realize that if they are to bring back their economy, they will need to join the other states that rein in excessive union power. Hopefully, the results of this change will be clear enough that other states will join in the move towards worker freedom as well.

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