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Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Ultimate Cynicism -- Obama's decision on requiring religious institutions to provide contraceptives and abortions

ABC News has a piece out now describing the behind the scenes discussions in the White House that led up to Obama's decision to require religious institutions like Catholic hospitals, universities and charities to provide birth control and morning after abortions as part of the health plans given to their employees. To say that this discussion was cynical would give a bad name to cynicism. All the president's top advisers took part as did vice president Biden and Obama himself. According to ABC, they did not debate whether or not the first amendment protected these institutions. Nor did they discuss the constitutionality of the proposed regulation at all. No, the debate centered exclusively on what the political ramifications of the rule would be.

Here is how ABC describes the main argument of those who support imposition of the rule: "Those advocating for the rule argued that the Catholics likely to be most offended by this rule - those who attend mass at least once a week - voted for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., 59-41%."

There you have it. The president of the United States, the vice president, their advisers and the cabinet debated a proposed regulation that would interfere with religious freedom and the main argument of one side was that the people who would be upset did not vote for Obama anyway.

The method in which Obama and the Obamacrats came to this decision is worse than the decision itself in my opinion (and I think that the decision is an abomination.) The leaders of this country decide whether or not to follow the requirements of the Constitution based upon how many votes it will gain or lose them? They all took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. The oath did not say that they would only protect the Constitution so long as it would win them votes. These people have no morality, no core belief in American institutions. They are a walking, breathing travesty.

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