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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Strange Results

The latest results out of Nevada show the vote breakdown as Romney 48%, Gingrich 23%, Paul 18% and Santorum 11%, in other words, a blow-out victory for Mitt. Nevertheless, if you then look at the entrance polls, something strange pops out. According to these polls 26% of those attending the caucuses were Mormons and these people gave 90% of their votes to Romney. That means that if you look at the votes of non-Mormons, the split was approximately Romney 24%, Gingrich 22%, Paul 17% and Santorum 11%. Romney still wins, but it is extremely close. So what we are seeing in Nevada is something akin to the 2008 Democrat contest in which Obama won massive majorities in the black community but lost the vote of all other Democrats to Clinton.

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