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Friday, February 17, 2012

Pat Buchanan gets tossed by MSNBC

MSNBC has made it official: Pat Buchanan is officially off that network. According to a howlingly funny statement given the source, the head of that "network" says that Buchanan's statements have no place on television. So why is that?

Buchanan's most recent book talked about what Buchanan calls the end of America as a Christian nation. He also mentioned the "end of white America". He also said that Jews were dropping as a percentage of the population by their own choice. Oh, the horror!!

None of these statements by Buchanan are unique to him. When others said the same thing, MSNBC reported on them without any uproar at all. That's right, a network that thrives on finding racism in what others do (never for itself however) found nothing racist when the same things were said by others. Of course, the others who said this were all liberals so -- in the distorted view of MSNBC -- they cannot be racist.

Second, each of these statements is accurate. America is becoming less and less a Christian nation. The percentage of folks who describe themselves as Christian has fallen, but that is not the main point. The percentage of folks who consider themselves secular has risen dramatically. Christian values no longer triumph without question. And how about the end of white America? Who has not read the projections that by 2050 the majority of folks in the country will be non-white. Those are not projections coming from conspiracy theorists at the Ku Klux Klan. They are the projections of the US Bureau of the Census. These are government projections. It is hardly racist to repeat this stuff. And declining Jewish population in the USA? No one is forcibly converting Jews to other faiths. No one is forcing Jews to intermarry and leave their faith behind. No one is forcing Jews to have fewer children than other ethnic groups. That is their free choice. So saying that the declining number of Jews in America is a result of the choices made by Jews themselves is hardly anti-semitic; it is absolute truth.

The real truth is the too many of the groups on the left (whose members are among the few people who actually watch MSNBC) came out against Buchanan. At that point, MSNBC was just doing what any progressive group would do, namely kowtowing to pressure groups. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press do not matter.

The funniest thing about the whole matter is that MSNBC itself has more racist and hate speech on it than any other news/opinion network. Barely a day goes by without a lengthy analysis of why opposition to Obama is racist. The thought that anyone could disagree with the president absent racism seems not to have made it into the MSNBC studio. We also hear every day that all Republicans are idiots and stooges of Wall Street. Even when news was that Wall Street gave overwhelming support to Obama, the narrative did not change. Then, the individual shows also are filled with hate speech. Anyone who happened upon the old Countdown show with Kieth Olbermann heard nightly about the worst person in the world. It was not a discussion about a subject where Olbermann disagreed with someone; no, it was a feature where someone was ridiculed and then castigated as the worst person in the world. Or how about Lawrence O'Donnell? His show has been bounced around due to poor ratings --even for MSNBC -- but he still rants and raves with the best of them. The man is always angry and always charging someone with a heinous act or racism.

It is an absolute truth that I do not like Pat Buchanan. I find many of his views repugnant. Indeed, I often though that MSNBC kept Buchanan on the air because he presented a poor picture of a Republican. Nevertheless, Buchanan has been smeared by MSNBC and he deserves a defense to baseless and ridiculous charges.

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