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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Proof Abe Lincoln Was Right

One of the more well known quotations attributed to Abraham Lincoln is this one: 

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

This always seems to be a hard lesson for many politicians to learn.  They seem to think that they can always get away with their lies.  For example, president Obama spent nearly a month telling the country that the spending reductions of sequestration would be so horrible and so awful that everyone would suffer greatly.  Anyone paying attention knew that this was not true, but one could never be sure what the bulk of the American people thought.  After all, they get their news from the Obama-supporting mainstream media and many of them do not pay attention between elections.  Well, now we know, thanks to a poll by part of that Obama-supporting media, namely ABC News and the Washington Post.  Here is how ABC reports the results of that poll:

The public by nearly 2-1, 61-33 percent, supports cutting the overall budget along the lines of the sequester that took effect last Friday. But by nearly an identical margin, Americans in this ABC News/Washington Post poll oppose an eight percent across-the-board cut in military spending.

No wonder Obama's job approval ratings have plunged.  Most folks don't like being lied to.
So Abe Lincoln was right.  Now if we could just get rid of Obama and bring back government of the people, by the people and for the people.



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