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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Here's the Answer

In the last 24 hours, Hillary Clinton held a video conference with some union leaders.  Most of it was the usual Hillary Clinton message.  Fortunately, since it was done by computer, there was no way to tell how many of the people in the audience fell asleep.  At one point, however, Hillary asked a pointed question of the union leaders:  "Why aren't I 50 points ahead at this point?"

Hillary's answer was that she and the union leaders have to do more to get the word out about Trump.  I wonder how many of those listening broke in laughter at that one.  In the last four months, Hillary has spent more than ten times what Trump has spent on TV ads.  She has outspent Trump by far on radio ads.  She has about ten times as many paid campaign workers who spend seven days a week getting her message out.  In fact, in just about every way to measure what is happening, Hillary has been getting her message out about Trump on a massive and non-stop basis.  Clearly, her answer to the question is a joke.

Here's the real answer:  Hillary has no message.  If you ask 100 Hillary voters what Clinton plans to do as president, at least 90 will say that they don't know.  Trump has a message.  He wants to build a wall.  He wants to end illegal immigration.  He wants to deport ASAP those illegals who commit crimes.  He wants to restore the military.  He wants to make the VA work for veterans again.  He wants vets who cannot get quick doctors' visits to be able to use private doctors at government expense.  He wants to get the economy growing by cutting taxes, reducing regulations, and luring back to the USA trillions of dollars now held overseas.  He wants to get better trade deals for the USA.  He wants to defeat ISIS.  He wants to repeal and replace Obamacare.  There's more, and there are many items that some people don't like, but Trump has plans.  Hillary just wants more of the same that we already have.  Indeed, she could junk her latest slogan "Stronger Together" and just stand under a banner that reads "No Change, No Hope".

On top of the lack of a message, you have the problem of Hillary, the person.  In some recent polls, only 28% of Americans consider her honest or trustworthy.  That is not just lower than anyone who ever won the presidency.  It is lower that nearly anyone ever tested by that question in a poll.  My guess is that even Osama bin Laden scored higher.


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