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Sunday, September 11, 2016

More Movement in the Senate Races

Lately, the polling in the senate races has been moving in favor of the GOP.  Today brought some very strong new evidence of that trend.  In Arizona, John McCain is up by 19% in the latest NBC/WSJ poll.  Unless this is a fluke, that race is over.  McCain at 57% cannot be caught.  Just a few weeks ago, however, there were stories about how McCain's re-election was in doubt.  That seems to have just been wishful thinking from some liberal Democrats in the mainstream media.

Then there's New Hampshire.  The same NBC/WSJ pollsters find senator Kelly Ayotte ahead of governor Maggie Hassan by 52 to 44%.  With Ayotte that far ahead and substantially over 50%, this race too is moving towards being over.  Remember that Ayotte was thought by the mainstream media and the pundits who claim to know about elections to be one of the most likely Democrat pick ups.

Finally, the NBC/WSJ pollsters also tested the race in Nevada.  In that race, the GOP candidate is 2% ahead of the Democrat.  That's close, but remember that in Nevada, the seat has been held by Harry Reid, a Democrat.  If the GOP wins this one, it will be a gain for the Republicans.

There's much time left until November.  Nevertheless, a few more weeks with trends like the last few weeks and the chances for the Democrats to win the Senate will be gone.

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