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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

He Doesn't Understand

Horror writer Stephen King made "news" yesterday when he summed up President Trump's message to voters as "be afraid".  It's weird.  Anyone who actually listens to the President speak knows that is not true.  King is stating instead the message of the Democrats.  They are the ones who promote fear.  They are deathly afraid of Trump and what he does.  For example, Trump appointed a new Supreme Court Justice and the Dems treated it as if it were the end of the world.  The GOP passed a tax cut and the Dems actually said it would destroy people by raising their taxes.  So that's fear of a judge and an economic boon.  For most of the past two years, the Dems have treated Republicans as if they have the plague.  They have been deplorables, racists, sexists, you name it.  It's not true, but they want minorities to fear the GOP.  It's the basic Democrat message.  Think of the competing messages to the African American community.  From Democrats it's "Republicans are racist, white supremacists who want to hurt you."  From Republicans it's "Black unemployment is at the lowest ever measured.  New businesses are being started by blacks at a rate four times greater than under the Dems."  So who is pushing fear?

How about foreign relations?  The Dem message on North Korea was "Trump will get us into world war three and a nuclear disaster."  The GOP message was "strength will bring the NK's to the table so that we can stop their missile and nuclear program."  It was fear vs. a strategy that worked.  In the Middle East the Dems told us that Trump would get us into new wars (more fear).  The Republicans point to the destruction of ISIS.  In Europe, the Dems told us that Trump would destroy the world order established by the USA after World War II and disaster would follow.  The GOP says that we have gotten more European nations to meet their NATO obligations.  On trade, when we started renegotiating NAFTA, the Dems said a trade war would destroy our economy.  (That's more fear.)  The President pushed for a better deal and we now have that.

So King is wrong.  Be Afraid is the message of the Democrats.

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