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Monday, October 15, 2018

The Serious Side of The Elizabeth Warren DNA Test

Senator Elizabeth Warren is a Native American according to the mainstream media today.  Warren produced a DNA test that says that 0.09% of her genes show heritage from Mexico, Colombia and Peru (which the DNA test used as an equivalent to Native American genes.)  The average white American comes up with 0.18% in the same test, or twice as much native content as Warren.  Still, the media is proclaiming that Warren has been vindicated; she truly is Native American.

The Warren mess is a joke, but just think what it means if we accept it.  Suppose that some average white suburban kid is trying to get into an Ivy League school.  His parents rush to get the kid a DNA test and find that, like the average person, the kid has 0.18% Native American DNA and 0.44% African American DNA.  Now, the kid applies to Harvard and Yale as a mixed race black/native American.  Under diversity principles he gets in.  Of course, that means that another actual minority student loses that admission.  But hey, under the Warren test, the kid is a person of color.

Or here's another example:  many government contracts have minority business set asides.  In other words, a government contractor has to in turn subcontract 10 or 15% of the work to a minority business.  Will a business owned by someone with 0.18% Native American DNA now become a minority business?  The Warren test says yes, but it means that the whole point of minority business set asides has been lost.  The black community will not be helped by this; only scheming and dishonest folks who use the Warren test will prosper.

And what about the Voting Rights Act.  When the next census is taken in 2020, should anyone with 0.09% Native American DNA list him or herself as a Native American?  If that happens, Native Americans will suddenly constitute the vast majority of the American population.  We could find that districts will all become minority-majority seats in Congress.  It would destroy the entire structure of the Voting Rights Act.  But it would be the Warren test in action.

The truth is that the media is obviously wrong.  Warren is no more Native American than Queen Elizabeth.  Her arguments to the contrary are both insulting and subversive.  She should just admit the truth and stop digging the hole.  She's already about a mile down.

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