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Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Kavanaugh Report

The FBI delivered the report regarding its further investigation of Bret Kavanaugh.  Everything is moving forward towards a vote on cloture tomorrow and on the nomination on Saturday.

So what did this investigation accomplish?  The arrival of the report has brought the usual responses from the usual senators.  The review process for the report was the result of an agreement between senator Grassley the Republican chair of the Judiciary Committee and senator Feinstein the ranking Democrat on the committee.  Unsurprisingly, my own state's junior senator Chris Murphy tweeted that the process agreed to between the leaders from the two parties was the final destruction of senate tradition and comity by the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who, incidentally, was not involved in arranging the process.  Murphy is never one to let the facts get in the way of a good attack.

Then there are other Democrat senators who, without seeing the report, denounce the FBI for not following all the leads and, instead, tailoring the report to curry favor with the President.  It would be one thing to denounce what the FBI has done after seeing the report, but to denounce it beforehand is nothing but dishonest.  It's amazing to see this (although it shouldn't be).  For days, the Democrats kept demanding an FBI investigation.  It had to happen, they told us.  So now it has happened, and these same Democrats are denouncing the results before even seeing them.

One thing is certain:  no matter what happens the Democrats will denounce any result that confirms Kavanaugh to SCOTUS.  They have used a scorched earth plan to try to stop that confirmation.  They have thrown decency and morality to the side and have used tricks and lies and games in their battle.  Hopefully, the American people have seen this and have seen through it.  I hope the Dems pay a big price for this in November.  Time will tell.

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