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Monday, October 29, 2018

Talking Heads

In the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shooting, I am struck once again by the overwhelming importance to the Democrats and media of what gets said rather than what gets done.  Pundit after pundit, Dem after Dem have denounced the President because he "gave permission" to the Nazi shooter by what he said at rallies.  Of course, when Trump denounced the "suspicious package" bomber who was sending possible bombs to prominent Democrats, the Democrat leaders denounced Trump for "hollow words" because those words didn't match his "conduct".  And I've heard countless pundits tell us that the President's strong words condemning the Pittsburgh attack were just not enough.

We should all be clear about one thing:  the Nazi who shot up the synagogue in Pittsburgh is the cause of all that death and horror.  That mindless thug was filled with hate:  hate for Jews, hate for the President, hate for all sorts of people.  He didn't get that from Republicans or Democrats.  He didn't get that from the media.  No sane American with a platform was pushing the kind of hatred that this Nazi was embracing.  And what mattered was what he did, not what he said.  People are dead because of what he did, not because of what he said.


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