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Friday, October 5, 2018

Put It All Together

There are a few things today that we ought to put together as we look forward to next month's elections:

1.  It now seems certain that Bret Kavanaugh will be confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice.  With today's statements from senators Collins and Manchin, Kavanaugh has 51 votes declared in his favor.  That's all he needs.  This is a major victory for President Trump and the Republicans despite the most disgusting and dishonest bit of character assassination ever seen in the senate.  Trump never backed down and even the Republicans in the senate stayed firm.

2.  The latest Rasmussen poll gives President Trump an approval rating of 51%.  This is his highest rating in a year and a half.  It is also higher than where Obama at a comparable time in his first term.  Despite a non-stop attack by the Democrats and the media, Trump's approval numbers keep rising.

3.  That same Rasmussen poll gives Trump an approval by 35% of African Americans and just under half of Hispanics.  These are extremely high numbers for a Republican president.  Remember, we have just finished two years plus of attacks from the left that label Trump a racist who hates Hispanics etc.

4.  Yesterday, the generic congressional poll results showed the Democrats with a 2% lead.  This is just one poll, but a 2% lead in these polls normally translates into a Republican victory in both houses.

5.  The latest attack by the media on the President comes in a very lengthy article in the NY Times that attacks Trump because of tax moves made by his father (who died 21 years ago).  Some of the items that the Times raises date back to roughly 1950.  Seriously, I'm not kidding.  The Times worries about how Trump's father supposedly gave his son a salary starting in 1950.  I don't pretend to know what everyone in America thinks, but I feel reasonably confident when I say that not many people care about the tax moves by the President's father, particularly those that happened almost 70 years ago.  The attorney general of NY is talking about an investigation, but since this all happened at least 20 years ago, the statute of limitations lapsed long ago.

If you put these together, you have to conclude that talk of a "blue wave" has been greatly exaggerated.  Supposedly, dislike for Trump was going to bring down the Republicans.  They weren't going to vote, but Democrats were surely going to turn out to "get" Trump.  The problem is that about half the country like the job the President is doing.  The groups that normally provide much of the support for Democrats also like Trump in historic numbers.  It's a rule of thumb that if the GOP can get 20% or more of the black vote, the Democrats simply cannot win.  Right now, Trump is at 35% with that group.  Among Hispanics, support and opposition to Trump are basically tied.  These are disaster figures for Democrats.  The latest polls show this happening.  On top of that, the Democrats and media are out of smears.  They did their best to get Kavanaugh with phony claims of sexual abuse put forward by slimy lawyers who should have stayed under their rocks. All the Dems have at the moment are allegations of tax problems concerning the president's father who died over 20 years ago.

There's still a month until the election.  That's a long time in politics.  Right now, however, what we are witnessing is a Republican tide swamping the blue wave.

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