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Monday, October 8, 2018

Why History Is Important

It's amazing just how little about our past is known by so many people.  That includes people who should know better.

Here's a good example.  Democrat Socialist darling Alexandria Ocasio Cortez just announced that she wants to abolish the Electoral College because it is a remnant of the slavery that was present when the country was formed. 

Huh?  The Electoral College provides that each state gets the same number of electoral votes as it has congressmen and senators.  The states then hold elections to choose those electors and they vote for president.  It is a means to make certain that each state gets its apportioned number of votes and that votes in one state do not affect the selection in any other state.  That has nothing to do with slavery.  It never had anything to do with slavery.  It's hard to imagine how it could ever have anything to do with slavery.

Most likely Ocasio-Cortez is thinking of the compromise when the Constitution was first adopted that counted slaves a three fifths of a person when determining apportionment of congressional seats.  The problem for her analysis, of course, is that the three-fifths compromise was erased from the Constitution by the Civil War and the 13, 14 and 15th Amendments which occurred 150 years ago.

There is nothing wrong with a congressman seeking to change away from the Electoral College.  There is, however, a great problem when a congressman knows so little of America's founding documents and our history that her stands on issues are guided by supposed past events that never occurred.

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