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Sunday, October 14, 2018

Watching the Democrats Cave In - UPDATE

Two days ago, I wrote about how senate Democrats agreed to the confirmation of 15 new federal judges appointed by President Trump in order to finally adjourn the senate until after the election.  For two years, the Dems have done all they could to block every nominee for every position put forward by the President.  Suddenly, now that they want to leave town to go campaign, the Dems are agreeing to approve these nominees by unanimous consent.  That means EVERY senate Democrat had to agree to this move.

When I wrote about this previously, though, I understated the full extent of the cave in by the Dems.  In addition to the 15 judges, there were also 21 government officials who were likewise confirmed.  Some of these people have been waiting up to a year for confirmation.  That makes 36 confirmations in all. 

In a fight between their principles and campaigning for re-election, the Dems made clear on which side they stand.

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