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Monday, October 29, 2018

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Andy McCarthy said earlier today that President Trump's opponents do much more for him than he could ever do for himself, and it's true.  They slam Trump no matter what he says or does.  Much of the time, the criticisms are obviously unreasonable.  Often, the criticism is based upon a lie.  The strange thing is that these people often don't even realize what they are doing.

Here's an example:

Newsweek published an article in which it "reported" based upon unnamed sources that before the President condemned the Pittsburgh synagogue shootings he had to be convinced by his daughter Ivanka to do so.  That's an obvious false story.  First of all, the idea that the President or any president of the United States would need to be convinced to condemn a deadly and hateful attack by a Nazi is ridiculous.  The only issue would be HOW best to condemn it, not whether or not to condemn it.

Second, Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner are themselves orthodox Jews.  They wouldn't have been working at the White House on a Saturday.  Almost certainly, they would have been at synagogue themselves for the Sabbath services.  Now the Secret Service would have been guarding Ivanka, so there would be a means to get a message to her, but it is extremely unlikely that they would have interfered with the services for that purpose. 

Third, the attack began at about 9:55 am according to the news reports.  It concluded with the arrest of the shooter at roughly 10:20.  President Trump's first comment on the event came within 45 minutes when he tweeted out a warning about what was transpiring.  Not long after that, the President tweeted out condolences to the victims and their families and condemnation of the attack.  He also said he would be speaking to the nation about the attack shortly.  That statement came within another 20 minutes.  There was no opportunity for Trump to even have a real conversation with Ivanka before he issued that statement.

If you still doubt this, take a look at Ivanka's own statement on the events in Pittsburgh.  She took the extraordinary step of issuing a tweet at about 1:45.  It's extraordinary because she would normally never go on Twitter on the Sabbath.  Nevertheless, if she were busy convincing the President to condemn the attack, she would have no doubt issued her own statement earlier.

So put this all together and it points to the Newsweek story be just another of those phony reports based upon unnamed sources that have no basis in reality.  That's pretty bad.  If Newsweek wants to disagree with the President, that's fine.  If the magazine instead makes up phony stories in an attack on Trump, that's unforgiveable.

But it gets worse.  I was reading the comments made by various people on social media about the Newsweek story.  One common thread seems to be for the smug and self righteous people on the left to call the campaign rally that Trump spoke to Saturday night a "Klan rally".  Think about that.  The event was a long scheduled rally in an Illinois district with a close congressional race.  It was attended by a standard cross section of Americans living in that area.  But the strident leftists can't call it a campaign rally.  No, they have to call it a "Klan rally".  Everyone there is labeled a racist and a bigot as a result.  The left had no reason to use that name except that these people support President Trump.  It's like Hillary Clinton's denunciation of Trump supporters as deplorables.  It didn't convince anyone to support her views who didn't already hold them.  It did, however, galvanize Republicans to go out and vote.  After all, letting the Democrats win would just give power to people who could easily and without any basis condemn Republicans as racists, sexists, etc.

McCarthy is correct.  These enemies of Trump do more to get out the vote for Republicans than on would ever expect.

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