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Monday, October 15, 2018

Liz Loses

Elizabeth Warren released the results of a DNA test today that shows that she could be as much as 1/32 Native American and as little as 1/512 Native American.  This is supposed to buttress her claim to being descended from Cherokee ancestors.  It doesn't.  Instead, it actually shows that she isn't even close to Native American.

The DNA results show that Warren has 0.09% of her DNA that comes from either Native American or Mexican ancestors.  Warren says, "See, I do have Native American blood."  But here's the problem:  the average white American, when tested, comes up with 0.18% Native American or Mexican.  That's twice the amount that Warren shows.  And remember, that's the average.  For African Americans, the average comes up with 0.8% Native American. 

Put all this together and one finds that Warren has much less than the average amount of Native American heritage compared to the average American citizen.

Warren came forward with this test to try to put to rest the issue of her use of a phony claim of Native American heritage to gain employment at both Penn Law School and Harvard Law School.  It seems that instead of putting the issue to rest, Liz shot herself in the foot.  She may have used a bow and arrows, but the wound was in her foot nevertheless.

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