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Thursday, October 25, 2018

So Is Megyn Kelly Out at NBC

Let's start with the only appropriate response to the news that Megyn Kelly may be out at NBC:  "Who cares!"

That being said, you have to laugh at the foolishness of the NBC corporate structure that hire Megyn under a contract which requires the network to pay her nearly seventy million dollars if she is, indeed fired.  You also have to laugh at network officials who though that Megyn would bring her Fox News audience with her.  These bozos at NBC put her into a show that did not play to her strengths but rather asked her to emphasize gossip and cooking news.  She's a slasher, not a potato masher.

I hope that someone at Comcast takes a look at this misadventure at NBC.  If Kelly is really tossed out, there are more than a few executives who should be going as well.

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