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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Democrats' nuclear winter

the Los Angeles Times has an interactive graphic on their website that is supposed to illustrate three possible outcomes of the midterm elections. One -- the worst for the Democrats -- is called the "Democrat's Nuclear winter". It shows the Republicans picking up 50 seats in the House to get to a total of 228 seats tot the Democrats 207. Maybe the LA Times had better re-think their site. Right now, according to Real Clear Politics, the latest polls show Republicans leading beyond the margin of error in 210 seats with the Democrats leading in 186 seats. There are 39 "toss ups". If the GOP only takes half of the toss ups, they will already have done better than the nuclear winter option. Furthermore, as more and more polls get published, more and more Democrats join the ranks of the endangered. Juat a few days ago, Democrats were leading in eleven more races than now. It is a safe bet to assume that the GOP could easily take three quarters of the toss ups and a fail chunk of the seats where the Democrat incumbent is leading by a close margin. In other words, the 50 seat pick up that the Times is discussing could easily be a pick up of 75 seats. So tell me: what is worse than Nuclear Winter?

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