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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's contempt that drives the Democrats

Watching the Democrats' campaigns this fall, one has to wonder what it is that drives their choices. We all know what their program has been: stimulus, massive spending, high debt, nationalization of industries, takeover of the healthcare system, cap and trade, etc. Even so, there are very few Democrats who talk about that program and even fewer who argue its merits. There is no policy debate underway as far as I can discern. Republicans talk about lower spending, lower taxes, less regulation, repeal of obamacare among other things, but most of the few Democrats who comment on this program state their agreement with the Republican agenda. Instead of presenting policy arguments, the Democrats rely on three basic points: 1) the current problems of the country are the fault of the Republicans; 2) things would be worse if the Republicans were in control; and 3) the individual Republican candidates are scary radicals who are beneath contempt.

Clearly, the Democrats have tested out their program in focus groups and polls and found that the country does not like their agenda. Rather than attempting to convince the people that the progressive agenda of the Democrats is the right one, the candidates have simply fallen back on the blame game strategy that they are using.

The problem with the Democrats' strategy is that the people who pay attention to it recognize it for what it is, an attempt to change the subject. It is not working. So we come back to the basic question: what drives the Democrats to make such choices in their campaigns. the simple answer is that the Democrats hold the average American in contempt. The Democrats believe that voters are too stupid to recognize these attempts to change the subject. They think that Americans are too distracted from what is happening to understand that Democrats have run away from their program. The Democrats actually think that by calling their opponents names and leveling charges with little or no basis in fact, Americans will decide that the Democrats deserve another term at the helm of the country. Democrats believe this even though no sane person with average intelligence could fall for this after giving the matter fifteen minutes of attention; only idiots would accept the Democrats' main points.

The Democrats' contempt for the average American has been on display for the last two years. The Tea Party was a racist group of evil mongers according to the Democrats. Indeed, they were a threat to society and they could become terrorists. The opponents of obamacare were also racists who only opposed the law at the behest of big phama or big insurance companies. The majority who opposed Obamacare was to be ignored; they were not even entitled to have their arguments considered. The Republicans were frozen out of all decision making on Capitol Hill and at the White House, but when the Democrats ran into problems, it was the fault of Republican obstructionism.

Back in high school english classes, we were taught that in a tragedy there was normally a character with a fatal flaw. Unfortunately for the country, we have just lived through two years of tragedy under the leadership of a group whose fatal flaw is that it holds the American people in contempt. No need to consider what the people want; the Democrats think they know better. Strangely, the Democrats have yet to realize that the people of America are the source of its strength. It is a government of the people, not of the Democrats or the progressives. the people determine what to do, no some army of nameless faceless bureaucrats in Washington. Next Tuesday, we will see the end of the tragedy. for once, there will be a happy ending as the years of total Democrat control come to an end.

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