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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Less is More --- or -- All the News that Fits the Narrative

I am behind the times, or perhaps, behind the Times. It was only this morning that I noticed that the price of the daily New York Times has risen to $2.50. I happened to pick up a very thin Saturday edition of the Times and noticed that the price was now two and a half dollars. Twenty years ago, that same paper cost fifty cents. So the price is up 400% in 20 years. by comparison, the Consumer Price Index during the same time is up 64%, so the Times is raising prices six times faster than inflation.

The price rise led me to actually buy the Times to see how it compared with the past editions. The most noticeable difference was that the paper was thinner, almost a pale imitation of what it used to be. Minimalism has triumphed at the Times. Less is more!!

I was also amazed in reading the entire paper just how much the news stories are now obviously slanted towards the "progressive" view of the world. It has been a while since I read the entire paper rather than just seeing an article on line or skimming rapidly through looking for stories that interested me. Today, I forced myself to read the whole thing. It was, I am sad to say, an inordinate waste of time. The off beat stories on interesting subjects that used to populate the pages of the Times are no longer there. Sure, it is Saturday and maybe there is more content on the rest of the week. There certainly could not be less. But this paper was clearly a political screed. No longer all the news that's fit to print. Now it is just all the news that fits the narrative.

New York Times, R.I.P.

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