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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Why are the Libs so Mean Spirited? - 5

It has been a hasty retreat by the Dems. CNN has now posted the "apology" by Hilary Rosen to Ann Romney. Of course, even in her apology, Rosen did not have it in her to actually apologize. Instead, Rosen says she wants to end the "faux war against stay at home moms". Amazing! Rosen attacks Ann Romney out of the blue as a stay at home mom, and now she is lamenting a phony war against those same women. It is like Japan lamenting the phony war on America on the day after the sneak attack at Pearl Harbor. Some apology!

I sincerely hope that the nastiness evident in Rosen's attack against Ann Romney whose multiple sclerosis kept her bed ridden for years is something that haunts her for decades. Rosen's time in the limelight should be over. She should be relegated to being nothing more than an occasional guest on Bil Maher's hatefest on HBO. There she can make hateful comments while the progressives in the audience all laugh knowingly. That group can laugh among themselves at all the hate they spew, but there is no reason that the rest of us have to listen to this crap.

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