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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obama's Geography Lesson -- 2

I already wrote about president Obama's inability to tell the difference between the Maldive Islands and the Malvinas Islands. The former is an island chain in the Indian Ocean south of Pakistan. The latter is the name used by Argentina for the Falkland Islands every time that an Argentine leader decides to stir up nationalistic sentiment in Buenos Aires by making claims on that British territory. Obama decided to call the islands the Maldives and to announce that the USA was neutral in the dispute between the UK and Argentina over which nation has sovereignty in the islands.

That Obama has problems with geography goes without saying. That Obama threw the UK under the bus by announcing neutrality in this dispute is also not capable of refutation. It was a disgrace. The people who live in the Falklands have voted to stay part of Britain. The USA should respect self-determination by the residents. More important, however, Obama managed once again to treat the Brits as if they were unimportant rather than as if they were a most important ally. Britain fought in Iraq with the USA. Britain is fighting in Afghanistan with the USA. The "special relationship" between the USA and Britain has endured for 70 years or more. But Obama is casually throwing the Brits under the bus.

Sadly, while American media is silent on this point, the media in the UK is not. In paper after paper in London, stories about the Obama action cover the pages. It is a disaster for Anglo-American relations. Obama gave the Russians a "reset" button. Is he now giving the Brits a button labelled "terminate"?

For those of you who think this is not a big deal, I suggegst that you consider this: What would happen were Obama to visit Israel and state when he came off Air Force One that he was happy to be in Palestine? How would it be received if Obama went to the Indian part of Kashmir and announced that he was in Pakistan? What if Obama said that the USA was neutral in the disputes between North and South Korea?

There are some things which even a minimally educated president has to know. This is one of those things.

Obama has got to go!!!

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