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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Another Step Closer in Korea

For those of you who have been following events in Korea and the march towards conflict, it is worth noting that yesterday brought news of another move down that path.  China has put its military on alert in the northeastern part of the country that borders North Korea.  For those of you who do not know, China is the main ally of the NKs.  Indeed, during the Korean War, it was the entry into that conflict of hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops that nearly allowed the North to win.  Right now, it is Chinese support that allows North Korea to feed its people and to survive as a country.  The Chinese are unlikely to watch North Korea go down in flames even if it is North Korea that starts a conflict. 

The Chinese move will likely embolden Kim Jung Un and his advisors.  The shield of Chinese arms will deter the USA from acting; that will be the thinking in Pyongyang.  The NKs may even be tempted to strike some sort of blow at the South or at American forces.

Let's hope that no one goes further down this path.



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