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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Cruz Hits the Mark

In the Washington Post, Dana Milbank has written a column called "Scary Cruz Control".  Milbank then attacks senator Ted Cruz of Texas for a whole host of things.  The column is both unintentionally humorous and very revealing.

Milbank's first and biggest complaint about Cruz is that he has too much to say.  After all, he is just a freshman senator in office for only 100 days and he is saying more on many issues than senior Republicans with years or decades in office.  Is Milbank kidding?  A leading liberal journalist is going to reach back to the rules of proper respect for those senior to oneself as a basis for criticism?  If a Democrat were doing this we would hear about the brave senator speaking truth to power.  Milbank would tell us that a new voice of reason had appeared.  But because Cruz is an effective, clear and concise Republican who is presenting unabashed conservative views, Milbank says that Cruz talks too much.  Milbank even counted the number of words that Cruz said at a news conference this past week compared to his fellow participants senators Grassley, Graham and Coats.  It's hilarious.

Milbank, of course, then claims that Cruz is a consistent liar.  He also makes the comparison of Cruz to senator Joe McCarthy who held the spotlight in the senate 65 years ago.  It is such a tired analogy.  McCarthy accused people of being Communists and, in many cases, ruined their careers.  According to Milbank, the worst "lie" that Cruz told is that the Manchin-Toomey background check legislation would "lead to" a national gun registry even though the bill specifically prohibited such a registry.  In Milbank's twisted view, when Cruz offers his view as to where a proposed law will eventually take the nation, that is the same as ruining someone's life with false accusations.  Give me a break.  Other heinous claims by Cruz according to Milbank include his statement that Iran celebrated the nomination of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense.  Milbank says this is a lie, but, of course, he ignores the fact that the Iranians endorsed Hagel for the position.  When was the last time that a self proclaimed adversary of the USA endorsed a nominee for Secretary of Defense?

The real truth is that Cruz is able to clearly and concisely set forth the failures of the Progressives and to offer and explain the Conservative alternative.  To make matters worse for the left, Cruz is Hispanic.  He strikes fear into the hearts of all of the left who know how important it is for them to dominate the nation's news.  They need Republicans who accept the basic assumptions of the left and just argue for making changes around the edges.  Someone like Cruz represents an existential threat to liberal control of the narrative.

I also have to add that it is hysterically funny for Milbank to charge Cruz as being a liar.  Sure, one can take issue with some minor facts that Cruz has said at one time or another.  Those mistakes, however, are one thousand times LESS important than the consistant lies told by president Obama.  Obama told America over and over that Obamacare would cut the cost of insurance by 2500 dollars per family.  It is instead leading to an increase of much more than that.  Obama told America over and over that under Obamacare, if you like your doctor or your health insurance policy, you can keep it.  He said it so often, that it was like the refrain from a hit song.  It was a lie when said, and we are now finding out that tens of millions of folks will lose their policies and millions more will lose their doctors.  Obama spent weeks telling America that the attack in Benghazi was the result of a youtube video rather than a terror attack.  To this day, the details of that attack have been kept even from Congress.  Obama came up with the plan for sequestration in the summer of 2011.  When it came time for sequestration to go into effect, Obama attacked his own idea as a Republican plan. 

I could list another twenty similar major lies by Obama during his time in office.  None of these are minor; they all directly affect the nation.  In all that time, Milbank has never once complained about Obama's lies.  In truth, that is really all you need to know.  Milbank is nothing more than a fellow traveler supporting the left in his own feeble way.




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