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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Galvanizing Momentum

The question of the day is whether or not the talkathon held in the senate last night will "galvanize momentum" for fighting climate change.  Some 28 Democrats spoke in the senate chamber all night about global warming.  Their speeches had nothing to do with any particular bill or strategy (other than fund raising for their campaigns).  Indeed, the senate was not even in formal session.  This was just a bunch of senators pulling a stunt to publicize climate change at three in the morning.  Their stated goal was to "galvanize momentum".  I am not kidding; that is actually the words used by the spokesman for the event.

So did the event get you interested in climate change?  Have you heard any portion of what was said?  Is there anyone in America who actually cares what these bozos had to say on the senate floor? 

The truth is that we ought to care about this event.  The concern ought not be about climate change.  That theory is now pretty much in disarray.  The actual temperature data statistically proves the computer models that form the basis for the climate change theory to be WRONG.  Let's be clear.  The temperature measurements of the last 17 years show that climate change theory is incorrect in much the same way that Columbus' voyage to America showed that the theory of a flat Earth was incorrect.  Actual data always triumphs over faulty theories.

We need to care about the event, however, because it shows just how beholden the Democrats are to those promoting false theories about the climate.  More than half of all the Democrats in the Senate stayed up all night to talk about "dangers" that do not exist.  Why?  The answer is simple:  a major contributor promised to donate one hundred million dollars to candidates who support taking action against climate change.  A majority of senate Democrats is willing to sell out to false science for one hundred million dollars.  It is a scary thought.

The truth is that the Earth has warmed over the last 200 years.  The truth is also that the Earth is not as warm today as it was 1000 or 2000 years ago.  These temperature variations have little, if anything, to do with the actions of man.  If there is any human activity which is affecting the climate today, we have no real proof of what it is.  It is a good idea to continue the investigation of what actually affects the climate around the world.  The leaders of the senate Democrats, however, have decided to ignore the science and go with the orthodox view of the left instead, and they are doing it for money.  It's not galvanizing momentum; it's better described as political prostitution.

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