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Monday, March 24, 2014

The Crystal Ball Sees...................Nothing

At the moment, it has become harder and harder to predict the future.  Where there used to be certainty about some matters, there is just more and more uncertainty.  Trying to predict where the world will be in five years or ten years is almost a waste of time.  Just think about all the changes.

1.  The law is no longer the law.  For over two hundred years, the system of government in the USA was clear:  Congress made the laws and the president saw to it that those laws were enforced.  Well, not anymore.  In the last five years, president Obama has been changing the laws at an accelerating pace.  Just look at Obamacare.  No one knows anymore what that law actually is because Obama changes the rules every few days.  The latest change involves the government paying billions of dollars to cover the cost of the first month of insurance coverage for those who signed up on the Obamacare exchanges.  There is no legal authority for Obama to do this.  Congress never approved this type of spending by the federal government.  No money was ever appropriated for these expenditures.  All that happened is that one day Obama decided to spend your tax dollars in this way.  Who knows what changes he will make to other laws in the near future.

2.  America no longer is a defender of liberty.  For the last century, one of the defining characteristics of America's foreign policy has been its defense of individual liberty.  We have liberated countless people from tyranny.  Not anymore!  Iranians protest against the oppression of their government and Obama turns a blind eye to the protests.  Syrians try to oust their brutal dictator Assad and Obama does nothing for years.  As a result we see al Qaeda get a foothold in Syria.  When Russia invades Crimea and holds a sham vote which allows Crimeans to pick a quick union with Russia or a slow union, Obama makes a few statements but takes no meaningful action.

3.  America no longer stands by its friends.  It used to be the accepted practice of the USA to stand by its friends.  Being an ally of the USA meant that one could count on American support most of the time.  Not anymore!  Just look at how Obama treated the UK.  Obama announced American neutrality in the Falkland Island dispute between the UK and Argentina.  Consider Israel and the treatment by Obama of that country and its government.  Obama has spend years pressuring the Israelis to expose themselves to major attack by the Palestinians in exchange for nothing more than a promise of peace that the Palestinians refuse to give.

4.  Growth is not the natural state of the American economy.  For the last two centuries, with the exception of the 1930's, constant economic growth has been the trend in the USA.  Not anymore.  The median household income in the USA is down more than 10% under Barack the First.  The expectation that things will get better is being beaten out of the American public.

Overall, it is hard to figure out where we are going.  Hopefully, we are going to a place where Obama is out of office and there is instead a president who knows what he or she is doing and who gets good results.


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