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Friday, September 9, 2016

Sunday Is Coming

Sunday marks 15 years since the terrorist attacks of 9-11 killed over 3000 Americans.  It's the kind of anniversary that ISIS or al Qaeda would love to mark with another terrorist attack.  This is especially true since the USA is in the middle of a presidential race.  That means that we need, as a nation, to be especially vigilant against possible moves by the terrorists.

That may not seem like a message that is hard to understand, but I worry that our government is not paying attention.  I remember four years ago when the local al Qaeda people in Benghazi used the anniversary to attack our consulate and to kill the US ambassador and others.  Before that attack, the State Department under Hillary Clinton actually REDUCED security measures at the consulate despite requests from the ambassador for increased security.  Hillary's State Department treated the threat of an attack on 9-11 as if it did not exist.  Hopefully, that is not the attitude of our government now.

Let's all pray that there are no attacks on Sunday.  But whether or not you pray, let's stay aware of our surroundings and let's hope that the authorities are taking appropriate measures to keep us all safe.

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