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Thursday, September 1, 2016

They Can Talk, But They Can't Change Reality

It is interesting to watch the mainstream media do its best to try to hurt Donald Trump after his triumph yesterday in his visit with president Nieto of Mexico and his speech on immigration last night in Phoenix.  Trump did so well that for about 15 hours, the media people had trouble coming up with a unified approach.  First they talked about whether or not Trump and president Nieto "discussed" who would pay for the wall.  Of course, no one cared about that, so they had to move on.  They tried saying that Nieto denounced Trump, but there's that pesky video of what Nieto said in his joint appearance with Trump.  There was no denunciation; quite to the contrary, they both said that they were looking forward to working together to solve mutual problems for the two countries.  Ultimately, the media had decided to go back to its old favorite:  Trump is a racist.  Here's how one writer for the Washington Post (Greg Sargent)  put it in part:

With his own confidants telling him he is on track to losing, Donald Trump faces a choice. Should he continue to feed his base his customary brew of nativist and xenophobic nationalism, and count on angry non-college whites to push him over the top in a decisive handful of Rust Belt states? Or should he try to persuade college educated white swing voters that he isn’t the peddler of bigotry and hate (these voters actually believe he is biased against minorities or says things designed to play on bigotry) that they have watched screaming at them from their TV screens for the last year?

But here's the problem:  none of that is real.  Let's look at it together and analyze the pieces.

First,  Sargent starts with the line that Trump is on his way to losing.  That's not, however, what the polls are saying.  In the last two days, polls have been released by major polling firms that show the race essentially tied.  Rasmussen has Trump ahead by 1%.  Fox News has Hillary up by 2%.  Reuters has Hillary up by 3%.  The LA Times has Trump up by 3%.  USA Today has Hillary up by 5%.  This may all mean that Hillary is ahead by 1 or 2% or that Trump is ahead.  There's no way to tell from these polls.  One thing is certain, however; the lead that Hillary had two weeks and longer ago of 5-8% has basically vanished.  It's a very close election.  That means that no one is telling Donald Trump that he is on track to losing.  LIE NUMBER 1.

Second, Sargent says that Trump is xenophobic.  That's ridiculous.  Trump does not fear foreigners.  He does not want to keep them out.  He does not want to stop LEGAL immigration.  He does not want to end trade, just unfair trade.  What Sargent calls xenophobia is just Trump's call for putting America first.  If there is a policy decision to be made, the determining factor has to be, according to Trump, what is best for the American people.  No matter what Sargent and the rest of the MSM say, that has nothing to do with xenophobia.  LIE NUMBER 2.

Third, Sargent equates enforcement of the laws already on the books with "bigotry and hate".  That's crazy.  People who are here illegally are here ILLEGALLY.  That word actually does have a meaning.  It doesn't mean that we have to help them benefit from violating the law; it means that the government is supposed to stop them.  Immigration laws were passed to benefit this country, not to benefit those who break the law.  It is not bigotry or hatred; far from it, it is what our president swears an oath to do.  In other words, this is LIE NUMBER 3.

The problem for the mainstream media is that Trump outfoxed them yesterday.  He used his trip to Mexico and his speech to get his actual message out.  The American people who heard that message are not dumb.  They understand that Trump made sense and that the media (like Hillary Clinton) has been lying and lying and lying.


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