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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Education -- Shouldn't We Talk About It?

There's a massive difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton when it comes to the issue of education. 

1.  Trump wants control of education to be with states and localities.  Hillary wants there to be federal control. 

2.  Hillary wants to limit charter schools and keep students in public schools, many of which are failing.  Trump wants to let parents choose where their children go to school; he wants federal funds to follow the students so that many more charter schools could be formed.  This is important since the data collected by the government shows that students in charter schools do much better than those in regular public schools.

3.  Hillary wants to keep substandard teachers on the job; this is to protect the power of the teachers' unions which give her so much money.  Trump wants to give merit pay to reward good teachers and to make it easier for schools to fire poor teachers.  Trump wants the students to get a good education while Hillary is working to protect the teachers' unions.

4.  Hillary wants to keep a federal curriculum:  common core.  Trump wants states and localities to determine curriculum.  Do you want a federal bureaucrat to tell all children what they must learn?  If so, Hillary is your candidate.

5.  Hillary wants to keep the federal bureaucracy for education.  That bureaucracy cost billions and billions of dollars each year but do not add any value to the education of our children.  Trump wants to abolish the Department of Education and return the money to the states where it could be used for education of students rather than paying bureaucrats.

The media doesn't really cover these differences because polling shows that the public agrees by better than 2 to 1 with Trump.  Covering the subject would only help Trump and hurt Hillary.

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