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Monday, October 31, 2016

There Must Be Some Really Bad Stuff In Those New Emails

America just got the clearest possible indication that there is some really bad stuff for Hillary Clinton in those new emails from Anthony Weiner/Huma Abedin's home computer.  It comes in the form of the White House reaction to the situation.

Hillary Clinton and her allies are in all out war directed at FBI director Jim Comey.  According to the Clintonistas and the Democrats, Comey violated the law and FBI protocols by telling Congress that the criminal investigation into Clinton had been reopened.  They think that Comey was obligated to sweep the new evidence of possible criminality under the carpet until after the election.  This morning, the White House press corps asked Josh Earnest for the official presidential comment on what Comey has done.  Here are a few quotes from the official White House position:

1.  Comey is a man of integrity and character.

2.  President Obama does not believe that Comey was trying to influence the outcome of the election.

3.  When asked if Comey should come forward to explain all the details of what is happening, Earnest said that Obama believes that our democracy is well served by the FBI and DOJ limiting discussions of investigations.

4.  Obama believes Comey has a very difficult job, Obama thinks very highly of Comey and Obama has full confidence in Comey.

There's more, but it is all of the same general drift.  President Obama is fully supporting Comey and his conduct.  This means that there must really be bad stuff in those emails.  Obama is not going to get even a millimeter closer to that mess if he can avoid it.  Instead, he is going to support the FBI for doing its job.

Think about it.  If you had to predict this morning whether or not president Obama would come down on the side of Hillary Clinton or of James Comey, who would have predicted this?  Not very many people -- that's for sure.

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